RAD AF Podcast

“Radical” [rad-i-kuhl] adj. noun = favoring, supporting, or representing reforms and change; a person who holds strong convictions, advocates fundamental reforms by direct methods. 

Rad AF (Radical AF) is a podcast co-hosted by Melissa Morgan and Diana Martinez that amplifies stories of Long Beach area women who are radical change-makers, community organizers, grassroots movement builders, and leaders who give a f*ck about mobilizing people-power to make positive change in the community, especially to support the health and wellbeing of people regardless of their race and income.

It’s time to recognize the “Radical” among us. These are the folks who come together when it’s time to demand the People’s Budget and call for the Mayor and electeds to defund the police in our city. They are present in the planning and delivery of Long Beach Rising! Leadership trainings. You can find them preparing signs and bringing friends to May Day car caravans and marches. You can hear and see them at Public Comment sessions at a school district board meetings and City Council sessions. They are all around us, and likely inside of us.

Radicals represent reforms and change for the people, by the people. They hold strong convictions close, and advocate for fundamental transformation with direct action–often putting their minds, bodies, and spirits on the line for true justice. The RAD AF podcast honors this spirit.

When women succeed, we all succeed.


Long Beach People’s Budget calls for a reimagining of the budget process


Evictions for substantial remodels will be temporarily banned as Long Beach evaluates its policy